Heavenly Father,
As we gather in prayer on this Friday morning, we are reminded of the transformative power of your grace, as seen in the conversion of Saul on the road to Damascus, as recounted in Acts 9:1-20. Like Saul, who became the great Apostle Paul through your divine intervention, may we too experience the renewal of heart and mind that comes from encountering your Son, Jesus Christ.
Grant us, Lord, the courage to turn away from our former ways and to embrace the new life you offer us in Christ. May we be willing instruments of your love and mercy, proclaiming the Gospel message with boldness and conviction. As we reflect on Saul’s conversion, inspire us to recognize the signs of your presence in our own lives. Help us to discern your will and to follow it faithfully, trusting in your guidance and provision every step of the way.
Bless our endeavors today, Lord, and empower us to be agents of transformation in our families, communities, and world. May our lives be a testimony to the life-changing power of your grace, drawing others into relationship with you and the abundant life you offer.
As we celebrate the feast of Saint Expeditus today, inspire us by his example of unwavering faith and devotion. May we emulate his zeal for spreading the Gospel and his willingness to serve others, seeking always to do your will in all that we do. Bless our endeavors today, Lord, and guide us in the ways of righteousness. May our actions be a reflection of your love and compassion, bringing hope to a world in need of your grace.
We ask this through Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever.